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Oracle Oasis
Virtual Burning Man 2021


Hello all!

As you may know Burning Man 2021 is happening virtually, in light of continuing concerns about the plague. I had so much fun at virtual Burning Man in 2020 that I brought back my camp (I more or less created 2 camps in 2020: Androgyn Space Lab and Oracle Lounge) these camps were my experimentation and I found my stride in offering oracle readings in the Lounge.

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For Burning Man 2021 I’m building a gussied out Oracle Lounge in the platform, which can be accessed through the Sparkleverse or directly here.




Unfortunately Topia can only be accessed on desktop/laptops right now.


I consider this year’s Oracle Oasis to be a Minimum Viable Project at the moment, it contains a lot of pastel illustrations and crystal imagery and cool music, a contemplative labyrinth, a beach. This can be accessed year round but I’m using it during Burning Man 2021 as my meeting place for free oracle readings :) 


If you’re interested in getting oracle readings from me the rest of the year, you can find my calendar here.


What is Topia? is a platform for people to create custom interactive environments for digital interactions. Originally created during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, Topia allows people to meet, similar to Zoom, however in a way that allows for a more "realistic" experience of interacting in person, allowing people avatars with which they can move between groups of people, have separate conversations in a more organic and natural way, and interact with objects.


What is SparkleVerse?

Sparkleverse is the platform on which one of the online Burning Man universes is taking place (The PlayaVerse). It is the hub of many meetups and events happening during the weeks of Burning Man 2021.

The Oracle Oasis is painted entirely in Procreate.


You can visit the Oracle Oasis here:

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